December 2015: Liz Wenger named key EU visionary

December 2, 2015: POLITICO 28 nomination

In December 2015, Liz was named as one of 28 key thinkers, doers, and visionaries who are reshaping European politics and stirring change on the continent by the magazine POLITICO, alongside Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary, and Margarethe Vestager, European Commissioner for Competition. Liz was the youngest nominee at 31 years of age.

Liz is the founder and Managing Director of Learn Luxembourgish, born and raised in Luxembourg, she now lives in Canada with her husband and kids. Her mission is to teach Luxembourgish to English speakers of the world and promote Luxembourg all over the world. She holds a Master of Arts (Social Sciences) in Business and Management and Psychology from the University of Glasgow, Scotland, and is a former business consultant turned entrepreneur, author, certified Luxembourgish teacher, e-learning embracer and all-around Luxembourgish-English specialist. Weird fact: she eats avocados for lunch every day and puts butter in her coffee.

She published her first book in March 2015: "Learn Luxembourgish: an English Beginner's Guide to Teach Yourself Luxembourgish". Buy it online here:
Liz spent all of March in Luxembourg doing book signings and launching an extensive marketing campaign for the book:

Liz currently organizes online Luxembourgish courses for English speakers. Email her to find out about the next classes:

Read the introduction to the POLITICO 28 nomination here:


Read about Liz Wenger’s nomination here:


Luxembourg Press Coverage:




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