Try this memorization technique for verb conjugations


Do you remember verb conjugation from your school days? Reading, covering up the solution, trying to remember the correct answer, writing and re-writing endless lists of verbs... for a lot of people, this was not much fun (even though, depending on your learning preferences, this might actually have worked for you). I know this technique worked for me, but I seemed to be one of the few.

So today, we will try a different method so you can see for yourself if that works for you as a primary method of learning verb conjugations, or maybe just as an occasional change in your language-learning routine.


This method relies on the assumption that language is better learned when we use our imagination and emotions and not simply repeat endless lists of words. So we will make up a story that connects the different verb conjugations of the verb 'kommen' (to come). The key is to imagine this story vividly, as if you were really there.


Step 1:

Read over the verb ‘kommen’ in the text box below and try to become aware of any patterns (for example: the verb is the same for ‘ech’, ‘mir’ and ‘si’).



 (n)*: the n is subject to the n-rule

 (n)*: the n is subject to the n-rule

Step 2:

Read the story below out loud. Use your imagination to really picture the scene as you are reading the words.



We are chatting together on the Internet. Ech kommen from Spain. Du kënns from Norway. Hie kënnt from Madrid. Hatt kënnt from Oslo. We fell in love! Mir kommen together to Luxembourg. Dir kommt with us to the restaurant. Our parents, si kommen too. We have good news!



Step 3: 

Now, try to imagine each scene and say the corresponding sentence without looking at the text. You might have to try a few times to get it right but next time you have to use the verb ‘kommen’, think of this story to speed up your memory.


Step 4:


Finally, read and listen to the story in Luxembourgish (click on the text below to download the audio):


 Mir chatten zesummen um Internet. Ech kommen aus Spuenien. Du kënns aus Norwegen. Hie kënnt vu Madrid. Hatt kënnt vun Oslo. Mir hunn eis verléift! Mir kommen zesummen op Lëtzebuerg. Dir kommt mat eis an de Restaurant. Eis Elteren, si kommen och. Mir hu gutt Nouvellen!


If this worked for you, try another one: 'schwätzen' 

 (n)*: the n is subject to the n-rule

 (n)*: the n is subject to the n-rule

Ech schwätzen German. Du schwätz French. Hie schwätzt fast. I understand nothing. Come, mir schwätze Luxembourgish! Dir schwätzt well! Our children si schwätzen Luxembourgish, too.

Ech schwätzen Däitsch. Du schwätz Franséisch. Hie schwätzt séier. Ech verstinn näischt. Komm, mir schwätze Lëtzebuergesch! Dir schwätzt gutt! Eis Kanner, si schwätzen och Lëtzebuergesch.


What did you think of this method for learning Luxembourgish verbs? Did you find it useful?