Since 2017, we've had great success with our series of "Talk with a Luxembourger" (TWAL) classes. Each lesson is structured around a conversational topic but doesn't include any grammar. The aim is just to speak and have a teacher present to correct your mistakes.
This TWAL B1 class can be taken by anyone who is currently taking, or has previously taken a TWAL A2 class.
TWAL classes are an excellent way to consolidate your knowledge that you've gained in the other classes and to improve your fluency.
Compared to the previous TWAL A2 class, the difficulty has increased in this TWAL B1 class, the questions allowing for more complex sentence structures in multiple tenses.
There are 10 topics:
Thema 1: An der Vergaangenheet schwätzen: Erënnerungen, Erfarungen, fréier Evenementer
Thema 2: Iwwer sozial Pläng, Evenementer, Fester a Feierdeeg schwätzen
Thema 3: Iwwer seng Wunnsituatioun schwätzen
Thema 4: An der Zukunft schwätzen: Pläng, Wënsch an Dreem
Thema 5: Iwwer d’Gesondheet schwätzen
Thema 6: Iwwer Frëndschaft a Léift schwätzen
Thema 7: Kultur: Konscht, Musek a Literatur
Thema 8: Geschlechterrollen a Gläichberechtegung vu Fraen/Männer
Thema 9: Iwwer d’Ëmwelt schwätzen
Thema 10: Iwwer Lëtzebuergesch a Sproochen zu Lëtzebuerg schwätzen
Cancellations are accepted until immediately after lesson 1, at which point we refund the course fee minus a 70€ deposit.
Course fees for the 10 lessons:
500€ in total for a private one-on-one class (each lesson lasting approximately 30-45 minutes)
270€/person in a two-person class (each lesson lasting approximately 45 minutes)
250€/person in a three-person class (each lesson lasting approximately 45-60 minutes)
The TWAL B1 course is a purely conversational course without any grammar whatsoever. The idea is simply to speak Luxembourgish on certain topics. The teacher will ask questions to answer and will correct your mistakes as they occur. We will not use a virtual whiteboard, the lessons will take place over Skype only. During the lesson, the teacher will write down Luxembourgish words/expressions that come up into a Google Document but other than that there won’t be any lesson notes.
After you sign up, you will have access to one Quizlet flashcard set to be reviewed per lesson (so 10 sets in total). Each Quizlet set includes the Luxembourgish questions and their English translation. This way, you will be able to learn some of that topic’s vocabulary before the lesson and if you’d like you can think about what your answers will be in advance of the lesson. There is no guarantee that all of a topic’s questions will always be asked as the aim of the class is really to talk freely and naturally and have your mistakes corrected as they happen. The teacher is also there to correct your pronunciation and syntax, and make sure everyone gets an equal turn to speak in a group setting.
The objective is to make sure you're able to have the basic conversations that the A2.2 and B1 levels aim for.
The course is held in Luxembourgish (with the exception of the occasional word that might have to be translated to English).
The TWAL B1 Skype class is certified by the Ministry of Education in Luxembourg and qualifies for the 24 hours of Luxembourgish lessons needed to receive the Luxembourgish nationality if you've lived in Luxembourg for at least 20 years.
This class also qualifies for a refund of up to 750€ for Luxembourgish lessons from the Justice Ministry in Luxembourg for students who have passed the Sproochentest or received citizenship after 24 hours of lessons.
Currently, we are signing up for:
email me if you’re interested to add another group or private course at this level:
atwo-personTWAL B1 classstarting on January 28, 2025, taking place once/week for 10 weeks onTuesdays at 7.45pmLuxembourg time (teacher: Léa) -SOLD OUT
Please get in touch if you'd like to organize a new group or one-on-one TWAL B1 course and let me know what your preferred days/times for your lessons are. Email me here:
The TWAL B1 Skype class is certified by the Ministry of Education in Luxembourg and qualifies for the 24 hours of Luxembourgish lessons needed to receive the Luxembourgish nationality if you've lived in Luxembourg for at least 20 years.
This class also qualifies for a refund of up to 750€ for Luxembourgish lessons from the Justice Ministry in Luxembourg for students who have passed the Sproochentest or received citizenship after 24 hours of lessons.