Learn Luxembourgish Book Reviews

In March 2015, the Learn Luxembourgish book was published in Luxembourg and accompanied by a sigh of relief from the English speaking community: finally an English resource to learn Luxembourgish (see all press articles here)! And not only that. It is also still the only existing book to explain Luxembourgish step by step so you don't have to go searching for the answers elsewhere, everywhere. The book includes:

At the end of the book, you’ll be able to:

  1. Greet someone
  2. Introduce yourself and someone else
  3. Tell someone more about yourself
  4. Describe a person and a thing
  5. Talk about your job and daily routine
  6. Talk about recreational activities and make appointments
  7. Ask for something
  8. Situate yourself and ask for directions

I receive emails on a regular basis from happy Luxembourgish learners. Here are the two most recent emails.

I just wanted to say thank you for writing the LearnLuxembourgish book. I was looking for such a book for years and believe me I have bought many but none was the way I wanted/liked. It is done in a simple and clear way, explaining everything and giving examples of how things should be or not be in Luxembourgish. (from Daniela)
Concerning the book, in our opinion, it’s the best Luxembourgish book on the market. It is a very well-written book where the author, Liz Wenger, clearly has a deep knowledge of both languages, Luxembourgish and English. The simplicity of her method is enlightening, very easy to understand and to remember, the analogies used to connect both languages are terrific. As a bonus, the book comes with bar scanning for audio, which is an excellent tool to learn how to pronounce properly as well as to improve the understanding of the spoken language. (from Irene and Kenneth)


Thank you to all of you who have taken the time to write to me over the past few years. I always enjoy hearing about your language learning experiences and it makes my day to hear that the Learn Luxembourgish book does exactly what I had intended: to teach you Luxembourgish.

If you don't have the book yet, order your copy of the Learn Luxembourgish book here.